I had such an exciting day yesterday!!! Usually I stay in my crate all day, but the critter I call Joey left the door unlatched so I could roam around the house all by myself!!! That was way too cool!!! I got to play with toilet paper in both bathrooms, and even got to chew on something leathery in Joey's room.
I was sitting pleasantly for Mom when she came home to walk me - she seemed a bit surprised to see me sitting so nicely. I thought I was sitting so nice before, but I must have improved on that. I was so happy, I sang for Mom before we went on our walk. But, sadly, Mom forgot to leave the door on my crate unlatched when she went back to work so I had to stay in one place until everyone came home again.
Dad showed me how my ancestors were carried to the hunt in Africa. We would help by chasing animals for the hunters. The hunters would carry us to either make sure we had enough energy to run around, or to make sure we actually got to the hunting grounds and not go off after squirrels or bunnies. At least the hunters protected us from cheetahs! I got to nibble Dad's ear while he had me on his shoulders. That was fun.
There is another critter that now has a name. He noticed that puppies have "pie" in them, and I think I love pie, whatever they are. If other puppies have pies in them, then I should too. I am calling him MIKE, as in Means I Keep Eating "pie." MIKE is a friend of JOEY, and I like playing with him.
I met other Basenjis in the neighborhood - Remy and Logan. They are really good about staying in their own yard. Dad said something about an invisible fence, but I didn't see anything. He must be a bit crazy. I also met Jasmine and Sasha, two Malamute Huskies. I tried to take a delicious bone from Jasmine, but she didn't like that. Dad said I will need to remember not to do that again.
Dad said there is an interesting show called Nature on PBS. They will have an episode on the origin of dogs starting April 22. My breed is one of 14 that will be featured. The show is about how dogs changed the world. Part one is this Sunday, and part 2 will be the following Sunday.