Thursday, April 12, 2007

I have named the Critters!

It took me a month, but I finally came up with suitable names for the critters: The one with the scratchy face is DAD (Drives A Dog - as in drives a dog to the pet store, grandma & grandpa's etc) and the one with the long hair is MOM (Measures Out Meals - my meals!). There is a slightly smaller critter in the house I call JOEY (Just One Extra Yummy- treat, that is) who is much fun to be around, but he listens to Dad too much and doesn't feed me from the table. Mom doesn't either. But, I am irresistably cute (whatever that means).

I discovered the best thing on this whole wide world - Provolone cheese! Dad dropped a piece on the floor and I think I got it before he noticed. As luck would have it, he put some in my Kong but the pieces were too big to come out so I spent a whole hour working on it while Dad and Joey were gone. The next time Dad did this I did a better job and got all the pieces out.

I played with a new toy today. I love it!
Gotta run (and run and run and run)

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