I got to stay by Rhya and Tanner - turns out they aren't even puppies, but more like Joey. I now have two more BnFFF's (Best non-Furry Friends Forever). They took me for walks FOUR TIMES A DAY!!! Their Dad let me watch a Ba-rooooers game with him, and the best part was that I slept through the whole thing! They knew so much about me - that I like to play with water from a hose, I like to help dry off wet legs, and most importantly, peanut butter is my most favori
te treat! They had a WHOLE BARREL of it for me!

I thought I saw a pussy cat, but it must have been a ghost - there was no sign of it the whole week I got to stay there. I think I saw a paw with very sharp claws sticking out from under a door, and I swear I heard someone whispering "Come here puppy dog and put your nose in my paw." Spooky.
Rhya drew a lovely picture of me for Mom and Dad. I just have to share this with you! I still wonder how she knew who ate all that peanut butter!
I am happy to be home now. All my adoring squirrels and bunnies missed me, and I need to go chase them.
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