Saturday, November 24, 2007

Snow, snow, snow!!!!

I got to play in the snow this week. I could hear things under it, so I had to root around with my nose to see what was there. Dad laughed at me - he probably didn't realize I was being quite serious about finding the source.

I was reminded why this is my favorite time of the year (except for the cold air) - the brown crunch-berries are back in season! Dad calls them "rabbit turds" - I call them "DEE-Licious!!!"

More about the cold air that I don't like - I have to hurry when I go to the bathroom outside. I miss my morning walks, but not that much when my feet get cold. Mom got a jacket for me, which is nice. I like to wear it, but they still make me go outside. My favorite spot in the morning is in the dining room - there is a warm spot that is just at my level. Mom lets me sleep on the bed with her and Dad - Dad says winter is here because I have migrated north. I just want to be warm!!!

I was by grandma and grandpa's house this weekend. I had to stay in my crate for the day, and no one else was around all day! I scolded everyone when they came back from wherever they went. I smelled turkey on their breath, and I waited all night and the next day, but no one gave me any.

Mom told me I am going to see the vet on December 21st to take care of my knee that keeps locking up. She said I won't be able to go to the dog park or daycare for about six to eight weeks. She also said I probably won't mind too much if it is cold - I will get to stay inside most of the time.

Well, gotta go - it sounds like Joey is doing something interesting.



Alene said...

What a cute pup!

Got your Christmas card and thought I'd come check it out.

I have a blog too, shared with my high school friend Cindy. the address is:

and we write about knitting, spinning and much crafty (and non-crafty) bits of life.

Merry Christmas!

Alene said...

Hi there again,

I sent out links to a holiday greeting blog I've set up but the email address I have for you is no longer good.

The blog is at

If Sharon has an email address she can reach me at the same old hotmail one I've had for years.