Who ever said I was a dog? I don't bark (hardly ever), I don't shed, I get to sleep as much as I want - hmm, sounds rather catlike. OK, I am a dog. So there!
My name is Copper. I am a three-and-a-half month old Basenji. I have a cousin Riley, a cousin Cash, a cousin Gilda, and two grumpy uncles (actually, they are my cousins, but you wouldn't think so) named Huey and Crash. There is another one called Mouse - I don't know about that one. Also, there are a ton of two-legged critters that I like to be around - especially if they have kibbles, cantaloupe, apples, cheese (I love that stuff!!!), turkey bits (yum!) and Pupper-roni (I do anything for those!).
I really like the two legged critters who let me sleep on their laps when they aren't standing up. If they give me treats, that is even better. Strange thing is that I hear a clicking sound when they feed me for sitting, or peeing outside, or doing something called "Down." I have learned to sit at street corners (click and treat again), and to wait before going into the house (most of the time, anyway - click and treat again!). I get to sleep in a crate at night (it isn't so bad anymore) and I go into a warm bed with the critter with the scratchy face when the critter with the long hair goes into the room with the warm rain. This is the life!
I am taking classes at the Humane Society to learn how to be a puppy. I am the smallest in my class, except for Gus the Rat Terrier, my hero, who came to my rescue when the bigger dogs were pestering me too much. Otherwise, we are doing alot of fun tricks and getting lots of treats. I am getting by on my looks, I guess, although I don't really know what "cute" means.
Well, gotta go chew on something. I haven't gotten in too much trouble in the past 20 minutes or so (that string in the carpet was just irresistable!)
Take care!
I get to lay in warm beds, too, next to warm humans. It's so cozy. You probably should leave the carpet strings alone. My humans leave me lots of rawhides to chew on, so I don't bother anything else. Riley Dog is my cousin, too! Did you know that? He's a funny guy! I'm an Australian cattle dog!
Hey there Copper.
It is nice to hear that the critters you live with are pretty nice. I see that you found my advice about the you'll get treats at that obedience class.
Cheese is the best. I'm getting cheese everyday right now.
It is so exciting to hear that you have a kong. I haven't seen one all week. Probably because dad and sis are pretty much home this week.
Take care!
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