Ba-roooooooo and greetings to all those fans who adore me! HAH! - who am I kidding? Everyone adores me!

I think winter
might be over. I got to lay out in the sun a couple of times, but the furnace came on this morning and that made me just as happy. I don't wear my jackets too much anymore, but dad put one on me the other morning when it rained. I like the rain, especially when it is running down the gutters. It makes me so happy to splash around in the water. Dad even lets me look into the sewer grates to see where the water goes (I don't know where - it just sort of disappears).
I go to a different Central Bark now - mom got a new job and this daycare is pretty close to where she works. I love it there - they have other dogs to play with, and get this - they have a garden hose and squirt water just for me!!! Gayle even has lots of pictures of me, just like dad does. I saw Sue Ann at the dog park a couple of months ago (she is from my old doggy daycare) - I will never forget her (I am a basenji, you know - we never forget anything we ever see). I was so happy to see her.

Last night's walk was unbelievable - there were four squirrels running around right above me! I thought one was going to fall, but it didn't. Dad told me to be careful and not waste squirrels - they don't grow on trees, afterall. Somehow that just didn't sound right. Hmmm. This picture shows me managing squirrels from my house.
I am going to visit Rhya and Tanner sometime this summer. I love their backyard. They have a deck, and a pool, and a rabbit living under the deck, and (allegedly) two cats, and they take me for a zillion walks a day, and get ice cream, and let me watch Ba-rooooers games. I had fun there.
Have a wonderful day! I need to go outside and take care of a little "doggy business," if you know what I mean...